For an handicapped that have communication problems the affective life could be a problem. Because unlike other relationships when the companion could mediate from handicapped to people, in love relationship is impossible because presupposes a direct report between the two people.
I know some handicapped people that are fall in love and there are married but, like all in this world, are singolar case. Instead a sexual life is easier than affective life because doesn’t matter have an affective relation.
The prostitution must be fought, by any means, but in the Italian legislation she’s not clear. Because is confused professional activity with illegal exploitation. It would be necessary a structure were girls and boys, who want to help handicapped, are formed and protected from legal rights and economic profits.
Obviously the companion will follow the handicapped in this path, paying attention to not confuse biogical needs to affective needs. When is possible the companion could try to accompany the handicapped to an indipendent sexual life. To have a sexual life is necessary know the reaction that the body will have. In family usually the sex world is a taboos. On the other hand is obviously that the figure of gigolo or escort have to become regular. In essence I will that the doctors, psychologist and educators have to do a real plan to satisfy primary needs like sexual life and affective life